We are approaching our ho'ike date.
We are now more than half way through the Common Ground Incubator program. We created our strategic goals, were given our award and now we want to share our goals and upcoming events at Compost Kauai.
Our Goals for 2022
Goal 1 = New Memberships: So, one of our biggest goals for 2022 is to increase our Memberships. It’s still hard to believe that just over two years ago we started our business in the midst of a pandemic and many of those members are still with us today.
Thank you; you know who you are!
We are super stoked that our community believes in us and our mission. Now we are hoping to finish the year strong with 20 new members, or 5 new members each month. We know there are so many more community members like you, who want to be involved in the community compost movement. Do you think you can help us get the word out? We just had some new flyers printed and look forward to passing them out, posting them on community boards (if those still exist?), and sharing them with our members.
We would really love it if you could spread the word about our business and our mission. Share it with your bestie, your neighbor or anyone who lives on the East side.
Goal 2 = Truck: Know anyone with a smaller, older truck? With our program award money we are looking to buy a small truck so we can reduce the number of trucks on the road and hire one person to do all the routes. Currently, we have three routes with three of us driving. Please let us know if you hear about any small trucks for sale.
We have a few savvy truck guys so we will happily talk about any work that needs to be done. We have a budget of $6-10,000.
Goal 3 = Cleaner Buckets: Enter "A Brown Bag Pilot." A few of our members already do this but we wanted to try it on a larger scale. This week we will begin our Brown Bag Pilot where we put brown paper bags in the buckets of select members. We want to see if this will reduce food-to-bucket contact, which in turn can reduce our bucket washing time and the potential for lingering odors. We will run this program until the end of 2022 and would love any feedback from those members who get bags.

Of course, all members are welcome to try their own Safeway or Big Save bags. We know how they can pile up at home. We want to know how the bags work for you too. Send us an email, text or use the contact form on our website.
Join us on Saturday, October 1, anytime between 10am-12pm for our last 2022 Community Compost Sift Day. It is family friendly with refreshments, light snacks and you can take home some extra compost and plant starts for your own garden.
